Watercolor Practice: Pumba the Dog

I almost titled this video ‘Ugly Dogs’ because I struggled so much with watercoloring them! I did 3 attempts at painting Pumba the Dog from a course I purchased on Enterclass (enterclass.com) because I just couldn’t get it right and also because I wanted to practice this very wet watercolor style that instructor Denis Petrulenkov does so beautifully.


The first two attempts were quite disastrous but by the 3rd I think I did ‘OK’

Attempt #1

Attempt #1

Attempt #2

Attempt #2

Attempt #3

Attempt #3

I experienced a similar struggle while practicing another dog from the same course.

Here’s the previous practice session with Maisa the Dog.

Hopefully it’ll get easier!

Colors Used (Mijello Mission Gold Watercolors):

  • Indigo (background)

  • Sepia

  • Van Dyke Brown

  • Burnt Umber

  • Ivory Black

Supplies used:

*NOTE: Since I am based in the US, I get most of my supplies from US-based art stores.

However, if you are located internationally, check out Jackson’s Art Supplies for these products!

They have great prices on supplies & shipping!

If you happen to be just starting and are looking for some help with supplies, you might find the following links helpful:

As always, thank you for reading,
