The First Attempt at Watercolor Bougainvilleas

I’m back with more flowers... bougainvilleas to be exact. And I don’t love how they turned out.

This was my first attempt at the painting for March’s Paint With Me Challenge. I knew it was going to be hard because people who had already painted and submitted their work told me so! 


They were right - what was I thinking when I picked this photo? Honestly, I have no idea.

So here it is, my first attempt that, in my opinion, was a botched job. But as I have done before, I’m sharing with you all the messy parts of the learning process - including the not-so-great paintings.

I talk through how I feel about this one and what I was trying to do when I set out to paint this. Click on the image below to watch the video:


Watercolor Pink Bougainvilleas