Susan Chiang

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Fill A Sketchbook Page: Mini Sketchbook (Finished!)

I started this mini sketchbook with flowers and I finished it with flowers!

Will you excuse me while I give myself a pat on the back and take a moment to be proud of myself for getting through this sketchbook? I have a bad track record with sketchbooks and this year I’ve committed to finishing the ones I start. And if I can, go back and complete the ones that are incomplete.

The first “side” of this accordion sketchbook was not my favorite, but the act of painting it was an important part of the process.  Somehow, it got me to the point where I decided that painting small wasn’t working. So I did the complete opposite and painted at a large scale.  And to be fair, large is relative to the size of the book.

Sometimes (most times) you have to work through a bunch of ‘bad’ looking things to get to the good stuff. And I think that’s the case with this sketchbook. I really love how the second ‘side’ turned out and the way I painted the wisteria large and vertically. I wish I did the whole book like this, but I also can appreciate the visual evidence that I didn’t really know what I was doing for half the book.

When I look at this finished sketchbook, it makes me happy and serves as a reminder that many times, inspiration and improvement surfaces from practice and experimentation.


As always thank you for reading & watching,